Worst teacher's in the world

                                                                  We’ve all had bad teachers.

                         Maybe they would yell too much, or perhaps they would grade a little too harshly.
However, our list of the worst teachers in the world will put even your most terrible 
teacher to shame.
Teachers are people, and therefore will make mistakes, but this list of 15 teachers takes
these mistakes to the extreme. Join us as we go through what they did, and how it cost them their jobs.
Our 1st worst teacher took motivating her students to do well on tests a little too 
It is bad enough to receive a failing grade.
Looking at all of the “x’s” in red ink is pretty demoralizing. This teacher took an extra step and attached a McDonald’s application to each failing testThe thought process may have been this would motivate a student to work harder, so they wouldn't end up flipping burgers for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately for the teacher, the parents of these students did not find this motivation helpful or even funny. They quickly brought it to the attention of the administration and the teacher was reprimanded.
The 2nd worst teacher on our list comes from Corner High School in Birmingham, Alabama.
Mr. Harrison taught geometry class.
He repeatedly used… unique scenarios with his students when having them calculate different angles and lengths. Mr. Harrison consistently used a hypothetical assassination of the then United States President, Barack Obama, in his scenarios. Many citizens of the south may not have voted for Obama, but this was taking things a step too far. Mr. Harrison was investigated by the FBI. In the end, he had to go through many hours of diversity training and made a public apology. Regardless of what you teach, or who you voted for in a political election, it is probably best not to teach a bunch of high schoolers the trajectory angle for an assassination of the president. We’re pretty sure the FBI also agrees with this.
For our 3rd worst teacher we will be heading across the Atlantic to Suffolk, England.
A teacher at Sudbury Upper School chose a unique—and cringe-worthy—way to try and
be tough in front of his students. The class was being rowdy and Mr. Rouse couldn’t get them to quiet down, so he did the only thing he could think of… he ripped off his shirt and threw it to the ground. This did have the desired effect for a few moments; until the class broke out in yells and laughter. One student had filmed the whole incident and posted it on the internet. Not only had Mr. Rouse committed indecent exposure in front of a classroom full of teenagers, but he even threatened to throw a kid out the window. It wasn’t long until word of the incident reached the administration. Mr. Rouse was immediately fired. He is no longer allowed to work in Suffolk County. Bullying is all too common in schools. Regardless of if you are at a fancy prep school, or an underfunded public school, there will always be kids bullying kids.
But our 4th worst teacher didn’t just let the kids do the bullying, she participated
in it herself.
In Overton Elementary School in Chicago, a computer science teacher asked a 7-year-old
girl to pose for a picture. This alone was shady, but what the teacher did with the picture was even worse. The student had done her hair in braids that she had seen in a magazine. The teacher decided it would be funny to post the picture on Facebook so that all of her Facebook friends could laugh and make fun of the girl’s hair. Another parent who was the teacher’s friend on Facebook saw the post and reported it immediately. People on Facebook were mocking the 7-year old’s hairstyle. The evidence was saved on a CD and then shown to the administration. This is one-time justice was served to a cyberbully, that bully just happened to be a teacher. And speaking of making kids feel bad, this next teacher went out of their way to crush some young student’s dreams. As the holidays approached one teacher took it upon herself to inform her students that Santa Clause isn't real. She adamantly told the children in her class that it was their parents, and not Santa, who brought them presents each year. In one day this teacher was able to crush the hopes and dreams of the 7-year-old children in her classroom. Sure they would have found out eventually that Santa Clause isn't real, but it probably wasn't the teacher’s responsibility to drop a bombshell like that in the middle of an elementary school classroom.
Our 5th worst teacher comes from Hillcrest Elementary School in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.
Ms. McElhenny didn’t make this list because of what she did to the students of the school,
but instead what she did to the other teachers. Ms. McElhenny created a hostile work environment at the school by sending excessive amounts of inappropriate emails to the other teachers. It was documented that over the course of the year she spent around 60 hours of worktime emailing other teachers about her drug and alcohol use, her sex life, and how much she disliked her job. She did this using the school’s email, which wasn’t very smart. In her emails, she insulted other staff members, students, and parents. This all happened while she was supposed to be teaching and working. She even opened her own personal pharmacy and offered to share her drugs with other teachers at the school. She made the other teachers so uncomfortable that in the middle of the year she was escorted from the building and forced to resign.


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